SMO Consitution & By-Laws
Article I: Name
This organization shall be known as the “Society of Military Otolaryngologists" (SMO).
Article II: Purpose of Society
The purposes of this Society are, in addition to any others set forth elsewhere in this constitution, to bring into one organization the otolaryngologists of the Army, Air Force, and Navy; to further the social and professional contacts of military otolaryngologists; and for the advancement of the science and art of otolaryngology in the military services.
Article III: Membership
Article IV: Meetings
Article V: Officers
Article VI: Dues
This organization shall be known as the “Society of Military Otolaryngologists" (SMO).
Article II: Purpose of Society
The purposes of this Society are, in addition to any others set forth elsewhere in this constitution, to bring into one organization the otolaryngologists of the Army, Air Force, and Navy; to further the social and professional contacts of military otolaryngologists; and for the advancement of the science and art of otolaryngology in the military services.
Article III: Membership
- Members shall be graduates in medicine in good professional standing and specializing in the art and science of otolaryngology. They may be or may have been members of the Regular Army, Regular Air Force, Regular Navy, or reserve officers (may also be reserve officers currently on an extended active duty status). Retired regular or reserve otolaryngologists, retired either by virtue of length of service or physical disability, are eligible for membership. Foreign military otolaryngologists may also become members. Former military members may also become members. There shall be two classes of membership.
- First: Fellows: Those who pay recurring dues annually or have lifetime membership.
- Second: Associate: Students and members who have not obtained board certification but the American Board of Otolaryngology (in-training, etc.).
- Reapplication for membership is not required however, lapses in dues payments to established re-instatement need to be paid in full. The Board of Directors may consider an exception when lapses encompass more than 3 years of arrears payments. Associate members do not need to re-apply for membership every four years. Associate members may apply for the status of Fellows upon certification by the American Board of Otolaryngology.
- Upon discharge from the service other than by virtue of retirement or physical disability, members continue active membership and have the right to vote at the annual meeting and all other benefits of the Society. Dues will be assessed these members.
- The By-Laws of the Society may provide for Emeritus and Honorary membership for those doctors of medicine and others who do not possess all the requisites for regular membership. Such members shall be exempt from dues and assessments and shall not be entitled to vote in executive sessions.
Article IV: Meetings
- Regular meetings shall be held annually during the week of, and at the place of, the American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery annual meeting at a time and date as has been determined by the Society.
- Special meetings may be called by the President and shall be called by the Board of Directors members.
Article V: Officers
- The officers of this Society shall be a President, Vice President, and Secretary, and Treasurer, chosen from the membership of the Society.
- The foregoing officers shall be part of the Board of Directors in addition to board advisors. Officers shall promote to higher role annually and new Secretary officer shall be elected annually.
- They shall be elected by a majority vote of the members of the Society present at the annual meeting, to manage the affairs of the Society for the ensuing year and to serve at its next meeting.
- The President shall not be eligible for re-election to the same office at the expiration of his or her term of service for a period of five years.
Article VI: Dues
- Initiation Fee. None.
- Annual Dues. The annual dues for all members for each fiscal year shall be fixed by action of the Society at the last regular meeting of the preceding fiscal year. Dues are presently $30 per year if renewed for 3 years or $45 for one year. Fellows or Associate Fellows will be dropped from the rolls if they have not paid their dues for three (3) consecutive years.