Are you taking care of yourself?As a medical professional working in a pandemic, you are critical. Here are some resources to help you ensure you are taking care of...
Resident EducationThere are a few educational classes taking place. Here are a few: Walter Reed and BAMC combined academic 3/24: 2pm EST Tolisano (Code...
Telehealth- Should you shift?This post is based on a single Military Treatment Facility (MTF) to provide guidance regarding telehealth appointments. Your local...
TracheostomyResource- #SMO #COVID10 #Tracheostomy Disclaimer: The information...
Flexible Laryngoscopy-Scopes and Scope CleaningFor scopes, PPE (mask – N95 suggested, goggles, gloves) required for ALL nasopharyngoscopies. Patients should wear a mask that is removed...
IntubationHere is the DoD COVID-19 Practice Management Guide PDF for full information. We have compiled some images below to refresh your memory....
Protective Personal Equipment- Know before you goGiven today's circumstances, we are hopeful you have options. While PPE is one of the first things you learn when joining this...